Celebrate Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week with Maple - Maple Services
Celebrate Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week with Maple

Celebrate Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week with Maple

Join the Motor Neurone Disease community during 19th to 25th June to celebrate Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week!

Each year the Australian motor neuron disease community unites for the third week in June in a shared mission to raise awareness for the disease. Sunday 19th June to Saturday 25th June 2022 is Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week where family and friends come together to raise awareness for their loved ones.

Motor neurone disease affects the nerves (motor neurons) that communicate between the brain and the muscles that enable us to move, speak, swallow and breathe. Although there is currently no cure, there is a lot we can do to raise awareness, including supporting initiatives like NDIS group homes, and by celebrating Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week with us, you can too!

Motor Neurone disease is a rapid, debilitating and frightening illness for those living with it as well as their loved ones. The neurodegenerative disorder is thought to affect 2 in 100,000 people and up to 10% of cases are hereditary. People with motor neurone disease deserve to be celebrated, recognised, and advocated for.

How will you be celebrating Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week?

Why is Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week Celebrated?

Each year, MND associations and everyone affected by the disease mark 21st June as a special day of recognition. This date has been selected for this reason as it is the day of the solstice, which is recognised by many of us as a turning point in the year as a new season of hope.

Motor neurone disease (MND) is also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. It is a rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disease that is most commonly diagnosed in older adults in their 50’s and above, though it can affect adults of any age. Although it is a rare condition, it progresses rapidly. People with MND generally have a life expectancy of one to five years after diagnosis and only 10 percent of people with MND live 10 years or more after diagnosis.

The cause of MND is unknown, but there are many theories and extensive research into possible inciting mechanisms. Nonetheless, five to ten percent of cases are known to be genetically linked. As patients’ functional status declines, they will require increasing levels of care and support.

We celebrate and raise awareness for motor neurone disease during this week in May because the more people who understand motor neurone disease the more they can accept those who are impacted by it and extend their support. In addition to this, we can raise funds for further research to better understand the disease, advance medical treatments and ways to manage symptoms and to advocate for a potential cure.

How to Celebrate Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week

Dedicating a day to a serious condition on an annual basis gives us the opportunity to shine a light on it and advocate for better understanding.

There are many things you can do and take part in on Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week:

Blue Cornflower Day

Blue cornflower Day is typically held on the Friday of motor neurone disease awareness week in June. The blue cornflower is the symbol of hope for MND around the globe due to its fragile appearance yet hardy nature. Just as the cornflower, people with MND  show remarkable strength while coping with this devastating disease. This year it will fall on Friday 24th June 2022.

Talk about it

Talking about motor neurone disease plays a huge part in increasing awareness and promoting earlier diagnoses. Bring up the subject with family, friends, or co-workers and share facts that you have learned in your journey. You could also include it in your email signature or share information on your social media.

Share your story

Sharing our stories is one of the best ways to reduce stigma and create a better world of understanding. Although it can make us vulnerable, it can also generate support. You don’t have to do it during Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week but you may find it a good time to start. If public speaking isn’t for you, you could reach out to a local publication or a reputable blog where you can share your story.

Join events or fundraisers

Celebrate and advocate by joining events or fundraisers. Look for events near you to join or volunteer with or create one yourself. This could simply be a get together for like minded people willing to learn and share stories, or elaborate events aimed at raising money for the cause. Reach out to local mental health associations to find out if they have any events happening.

Support groups

Support groups can be a great way to connect with others and generate a support network of people who understand what you’re going through. Everyone’s experience will be unique, but it’s important to receive assurance that you are not alone. There is a lot of power in sharing your story and hearing others’ perspectives.

Events for Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week

Walk to d‘Feet MND

There are going to be numerous Walk to d’Feet MND in each state and territory, so chances are you’ll be able to join in wherever you live. Contact the MND Association in your state/territory to find out where walks will happen and how to join.

Australia Moves for MND: Virtual campaign

MND Australia is hosting a virtual campaign to raise funds for vital care and research. Anyone can sign up to take part in Australia Moves for MND (AM4MND) just follow the link to apply.

However you choose to advocate for Australian Motor Neurone Disease Week during the third week of June 2022, make sure you are safe, have fun, and wear your blue cornflower!